

Bowin is a 6 year old golden. He loves to fetch anything. He is a 4-H dog used by kids who don't own dogs. He has been shown in obedience, rally and showmanship for the past 3 years and has been shown at the Maryland State fair several times.


This is Jameson Kane, but we call her Jamie. She is an 8 year old Black Lab Mix. I got her when she was only a couple of months old from the Delaware Humane Association. She loves to be around humans. Sometimes she goes to work with my husband and sometimes she comes...


Hi!  My name is Rutland and I am a male English Bulldog.  I am almost four years old and just starting my fun times with PAWS.  When I am not visiting friends, I am out hiking and enjoying the outdoors.  Sometimes, you can even find me swimming in...


My name is Ch Ruttkay Ziggy.  I am a Keeshond and I am an AKC registered champion.  I especially love to play with children.  I will sit very still while you read to me. Afterwards, please give me lots of love!


Goldilox is rescue dog and when we’re asked what kind of dog she is, we say, “a good dog!”  (She’s probably part lab, border collie and golden retriever.)  Goldie very quickly adapted to life in her new home and loves being a therapy...


Bonkers is a 4-year old beagle who was born in Arkansas and as a 9 week old puppy flew on an airplane to Philadelphia where I picked him up in a snow storm.  Bonkers loves everyone, especially children, and he spent his first two years helping me care...