Is Therapy Work for You?
From MAGS (Mid-Atlantic Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club) August 2011 newsletter, an article by PAWS member Doreen Holly about her great experiences with pet therapy. "I’ve always believed in volunteering. In high school I was involved in a riding program for children...
PAWS on “Window on Wilmington” 9/28/11
PAWS Executive Director Lynne Robinson and PAWS therapy team Beverly Parnell & Missy were on WITN-22’s "Window on Wilmington" discussing the power of a pet therapy visit and the upcoming Wag-N-Walk. PAWS is featured from 11:02 - 23:00
PAWS and Effect
Great PAWS for Reading article in today's Cecil Whig! "Cecil College library will host program to improve confidence among struggling readers" View the full article - "Reading Program Goes to the Dogs" Read more online...
Lemonade for PAWS!
Bailey Hammerstrom raised an amazing $37.50 for PAWS through her lemonade stand this past Saturday! Bailey’s mom (Patti) and her dog (dOg) are a therapy team with PAWS for People. Bailey decided herself that she would donate all of her profits from the stand to a...
Dog Therapy at Ground Zero
"For eight months, a golden retriever named Nikie gave comfort to workers amid the ruins." This recent article in the Wall Street Journal, written by a professional dog therapist and CEO of the K-9 Disaster Relief Foundation, shows the power of human-animal...
Dogs helping ease children’s trauma of testifying
Great article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about therapy dogs in courthouses. "In courthouses across the nation... highly skilled dogs are being called upon to calm victims and witnesses - especially children - facing the ordeal of testifying about often hellish...
An Unexpected Way To Cope
PAWS was recently featured in an article in The Women's Journal entitled "An Unexpected Way to Cope." "Spending time with a dog may be a surprising way to improve health and wellness." Read the full article
UD FilmFest Features PAWS Documentary
Dennis Clark presented an informational documentary about PAWS for People at the University of Delaware’s Campus FilmFest. Click to watch!
PAWS in the News Archives
PAWS for People has gotten some great publicity over the years for the work we do in the community. Take a look! April 2011 Window on Wilmington - Video interview with Cassie Gonce, Julie Miller, and Lacey the Therapy Dog (go to 32:22 into...